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Feedback by Krosan

Nunu isn't that hard to counter. He can sit in a lane pretty well with my experience (by no means high-level, but I play a lot of Nunu) thanks to Consume, and he can really harass with Ice Blast if there's a squishie in the lane, but his damage output against anything he can't Consume is pathetic until he grabs Absolute Zero. If he's got a good assassin with him, Ice Blast can ruin your day, so stay out of his reach and spank him with ranged attacks.
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Keep him moving so he can't save mana with Visionary; the more Nunu hits things, the less mana Nunu uses, the more survivability he has (thanks to free Consumes) and the more money he gets (thanks to the extra mana to last-hit with Ice Blast). He's too fat to gank unless you draw him into a trap, but you can keep him from doing much but levelling and darting in to grab a bite.

And that's why you need to have an alert stun champion, because one tap from, say, Udyr, and Absolute Zero pretty much fizzles. If you let him run into the middle and hit it, it's devastating to anyone who hasn't stacked some serious health and magic resist, but if it's interrupted, he's pretty much a sitting duck. Ice blast can still do some damage, but not that much.

Against Blitzcrank: If you need to know how to counter him and you're reading this list, you probably need the basics. Watch out for Rocket Grab. I'm going to repeat it again. Watch out. For. Rocket grab.

Yes, he's tanky and can do some serious damage with Power Fist, but the rocket grab is by a wide margin the scariest bit, because it makes a fight into a 5v4 with amazing speed. I believe he can snatch through forest walls, he can snatch over ledges (snatching you out of your base!), and in fact, the only thing he can't snatch through are minions. Early-game, keep a line of minions between yourself and him or you're dead meat, and lategame, keep using minions to baffle the rocket grab. There's not much you can do unless you have someone who can block the ability, but keep moving and dancing, don't let him grab you.

Sivir: She can unload holy hell on turrets and minions, but in a champion fight, she's not at her bests. Just stun her, slow her, and crunch her; she's pretty squishy if you corner her and focus fire. Laning early-game, get a bit close; if you're at the edge of boomerang blade's range, it'll hit you twice before you can dodge, and this will be painful. Being a bit closer gives you a bit more reaction time. If she pushes you back to the turret, stay close to it unless you're a boomerang blade away from being dead; she either turns off ricochet or she catches you with one and eats turret fire, which helps save your minions a little hurt. Late game, she has no stuns, slows, or snares, so splat her like the squishy support she is and move on to a bigger threat, or watch that bigger threat mow through your team like a berserked blender from her shout.

Ryze: He's not THAT big of a threat, early game, unless he catches you with his snare for his lane partner to eat. His biggest threat comes later game, when his snare makes a good difference for team battles, and his ultimate, which will probably kill you if he catches you alone with it.

Thus, the most dangerous time to be around a Ryze is around the time he hits level 6, especially if there's few minions around you for the thing to bounce to. Stay close to pockets of minions so they can take the damage from his ult for you and whittle him down, he's squishy as can be so you won't have trouble. If he catches you away from a pocket of minions and snares you, he's got a good chance of killing you outright, but if you keep minions close, it neuters his biggest bomb and keeps you safe. You're only in trouble if you're a melee hero without any ranged option; even something like Nunu's ice bolt will give Ryze a bad day.

Lategame, I've never seen a Ryze make much difference, so I can't offer much for him. He's squishy unless he's skipped AP and mana for stacking health, so he splats well; if he's got his ult ready, don't get caught, otherwise, crunch him and move on.

By Kijik

Kassadin: Gank him early game, gank gank gank gank gank gank, and gank some more, he's a joke before 6, seriously, if you see kassadin on the loading screen, get one to two other guys with you(stuns/slows needed) to just run up on him and gank his face every time he takes two steps away from a tower, give him 3-5 deaths and he'll be useless late game. If this doesn't happen, your best hope is to lock him up if he ever shows in a fight and focus fire him, forget that ashe that's pew pewing in the back with her couple items if he shows up, Kass, when built enough, will do much more damage than ashe, in an aoe, and will annihilate your support heroes way before she'll ever consider reaching them. As a side note, if you're low in a fight and he's lurking, you're better off just hanging near the team waiting to die, and hoping that when he decides to blink in and kill you, your team can quickly turn and blast him.

By Echo7

Bring a burst damage caster or Morgana. Veiger, Ryze or Kassadin will eat him alive.


Early game, attack him and have some armor/heal pots and you will be able to score some kills. Midgame, remember to strafe side to side at a moderate to far distance from him, his ultimate does not seek target, the projectiles are like skill shots, dodgeable with movement. Late game/anti back door, ward approaches to towers so he can't back door you without getting killed, ward approaches to likely team fight areas, this gives your team a teleport to point away from minions/towers and spots you twitch in transit/hiding for an ambush.


Do not build +Mana items, period. High mana regen instead will negate a good bit of his damage potential while allowing you to spam your abilities. If caught inside his stun ring, flash outside it or run around the edge, not just in the middle where he can easily hit you with Dark Matter, his AoE. Early and Mid game you need to harass him and keep him from last hitting as much as possible.


Nasus: Nasus is a Carry/Tank that relies on his lifesteal Passive for survivability. He is relativly fragile (for a character in the Tank category!) if he can´t suck blood. Use Range and CC to keep him from healing himself.

His signature move is Siphon strike which gets stronger the more he kills with it, playing against him it tranlates to "pain in melee". It´s nice if you can keep him from charging it but don´t count on it. 
He also has a slow that gets stronger over its duration. Also a AOE DoT that does deceptivly little Damage - for Champions the hurt lies in the Armor Debuff. 

His Ultimate is a AoE lifedrain witch charges his Attack Power and indirectly his Lifedrain. In a 1v1 situation its relativly tame but in a teambattle with a lot of Lifepoints to charge it it´s absolute murder. Either focus him down ASAP or retreat, either way be quick about it since it gets worse the more life he drains. 

Too Long, didn´t read: Keep him from Lifedraining you.

Lack of Certainty

Annie's power is two-fold. One, any of her spells can stun, and two, her ultimate hits for high damage and summons a flaming bear to ruin your day. 

In order to stun, Annie needs to cast five spells, and there is a visible effect on her when she's "charged" (a little white swirl circles her) and then the offensive spell she casts will stun. If you watch for that visual, you can see whether or not she's ready to stun, and act accordingly.

Her ultimate's real power comes from the damage it does when cast. At low levels, Tibbers can be a nasty bear to deal with, but by late game he's ignorable. When the bear is out on the field, Annie is at her most vulnerable, because you know that her ultimate is on cooldown, and she can't spike you with it. Try to attack her while the bear is out, or, ideally, right after the bear dies or runs out of duration.

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