Kassidan - AP and Tank - by Karandor

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My new favourite hero I've played him an absolute ton and tried numerous different builds. The skill builds can be changed a fair bit no matter how you play him as can his item builds. He is a very versatile hero.

I'll do an AP guide first then the tank guide. I'll do the skills by hotkey.


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1. Q
2. W
3. Q
4. E
5. Q
6. R
7. Q
8. E
9. Q
10. E
11. R
12. E
13. E
14-15. W
16. R
17-18. W

Now some people like to take E (force blast) first but I disagree because his main nuke is a great harassing skill and until he hits level 11 E is just not up enough with the CD on his teleport being higher. For Runes I use a health regen set and for masteries it honestly doesn't matter much. I've used defensive, offensive and utility specs and had success. For summoner spells get flash and boost. I'll explain then a bit later.

Early game I get a dorian's ring and either a mana potion or a health potion if I'm worried about major harrassment. Dorian's ring is great the little bit of mana regen and health and AP is exactly what you need early. Without health regen runes you really need some sort of health regen be it a stack of pots or an item. What you want to do is harrass like crazy with your Q skill and try to get the enemy low. If you get them quite low use flash to catch up and kill with a melee hit and Q. Don't tower dive yet. Forcing them to blue pill is fine as well. Whenever you get a chance attack the siege or ranged creeps to get back mana after you put a point in W at level 2.

Once you hit level 6 (with regen runes and dorian's ring you may not have shopped yet, I've been in a solo lane until level 10 before) you can often get a gank on your enemy. Harass them until they are looking to retreat. DOn't chase just yet. Once they get back a bit and feel comfortable you use flash->R->E->Q and then hit them again if necissary. The range on Flash + ultimate is HUGE and can nail people behind towers with ease.

Mid game it's time to start ganking. From here on out it's a standard R->E->Q->R or Q->R->E->Q/R->Q/R. If you can nail someone up close with E to start your chain it's best. Also I reccommend walking around with E up at all times for escapes and ganks.

For item build: Dorian's ring, Socerer's shoes, Mejai's soulstealer, Sheen. After this if you are not having any problems get lichbane ASAP. If you're getting nailed get a RoA first. Now once you have sheen what you want to make sure to do is add in a melee attack between each spell. This increases damage an INSANE amount and can also be used to take out towers VERY quickly. If the game is still going and you have Mejai's, Lich and RoA grab a zonja's. I don't get Archangel's on him as he doesn't need the mana with his mana steal. Also it doesn't add any survivability. Sheen and lichbane add a HUGE amount of damage with thier unique ability. Rylai's is great on him but WAY too exspensive.


1. Q
2. W
3. E
4. W
5. W
6. R
7. W
8. E
9. W
10. E
11. R
12. E
13. E
14-15. Q
16. R
17.-18. Q

The goal behind this guy is to tank people and drain their mana while just teleporting like crazy, The key items are berzerker's greaves and frozen mallet. Same runes and summoner spells reccomended. After those 2 items you can grab whatever you think is best to counter the enemy. Be it more HP and an Atma's or crazy damage and crit or Wit's end for even MORE mana drain.

This is a terrible build for early game except you will never run out of mana as creeps will give you back TONS. Until you have beserker's and Phage it's best to only gank if it's a sure thing. 

The big focus of this build is how incredibly broken stacking snares is in LoL. A frozen mallet combined with maxed force blast is something around a 90% snare. If someone boosts you can easily teleport and snare again with mallet. If they flash they are so incredibly slow that you can easily catch them again. What this huge amount of slow lets you do is drain mana incredibly quickly while you tank thier damage. They can't kite you at all. This causes huge problems for tank heros (run out of mana VERY quickly) or casters that rely on stuns and snares. While the enemy is snared you keep teleporting and silencing as much as possible with the mana that use to belong to them.

This is an excellent build to counter another Kassidan and works quite well against morgana. Once you burn down the first shield there is a good chance she will not have enough mana for another one. This Kassidan build pretty much guarantees a team gank to be successful. This build with NOT let you 1v1 heros like jax or yi so don't try (I have).

Now this biggest difference between these 2 builds is burst damage. The AP build can kill someone incredibly quickly, but you are squishy and should NEVER initiate a teamfight. With the tankier build you can nail down a prime target and then teleport out if you take too much damage generally letting your team get the kills. 

Both builds are fun and the tank build can really mess up an opposing kassidan. The stacked slow means he can't out run you when chain teleporting.also your mana steall will be much higher until late game. At that point, thanks to the way it works, your smaller mana pool is an advantage as he will be stealing and gaining MUCH less mana than you are.

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