Singed - Epic Tank - by Mr. Froho and Almitt

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Singe the Epic Tank


For maximum performance spec heavily in defense tree and max out Perseverance in the utility tree.
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Summoner Spells:


Item Build:

Regrowth Pendant
Boots of Swiftness
Rod of Ages
Force of Nature Or Wardens Mail (depending on who your enemies are, maybe even get both)

Always buy the Regrowth Pendant as your first item, then go straight for BoS. Some people disagree with getting Rod of Ages (and you must get it early otherwise they would be right), but I think its really good for several reasons; Health is a given, I often run out of mana on him so this helps a lot and also this works well with you passive giving you even more health, AP scales 1:1 with Toss which will be your main source of damage.

Skill Build:
Poison Trail
Poison Trail
Insanity Potion
Poison Trail
Poison Trail
Insanity Potion
Poison Trail
Insanity Potion

Early game:
You should have Regrowth Pendant as your first item which will give you easy lane survivability. Now when choosing a lane you want to go with someone who can keep a person in place via something like Sions stun or Ryzes Prison. That way you have an amazing combo of stun/toss/poison trail, its very deadly early on. You might have to use your ghost to run through creeps to get to the stunned champion, don't be afraid to use it often. Try to let them push a little so you can throw enemy's into range of the turrets, for an easy rune prison kill with ryze.

As soon as you hit lvl 6 and get Insanity potion and also have enough for BoS, you should find an excuse to go back to base and pick em up. Now you have the fastest boots, your ult which increases your movement speed and ghost, chances are your the fastest person in the game, unless the enemy has a Warwick. Use this early advantage in high movement speed to pull off some good ganks, try to go for champions who don't have stuns, even if they do though, you should be able to get them. Push lanes and get towers, save money for Rod of Ages. Make sure you run ahead of creep waves when its safe and use your poison to get easy money.

Mid-to-Late Game:
By now you should have Regrowth Pendant, BoS, Rod of Ages, and plenty of gold to decide on your next item. Depending on your enemies champions whether they be dominantly Casters or DPS, you need to decide whether you should get Force of Nature or Wardens Mail (there are other armor/MR substitutes, but these are my favourite). If the game goes on for long you should pick up Aegis, unless someone on your teams already building it then you can forgo those and go strait for either more health (Warmogs), Armor (Frozen Heart), or Magic Resistance (Banshee's Veil).


Authors Note: Just from experience, even if the enemies team has a lot of DPS and not much magic, I would buy that 700 gold armor piece that gives 50 Armor and then go ahead and finish Force of Nature. Since you already have a regrowth pendant, its easier to make, and the health regen and movement speed bonuses are too good to ignore. Also, not always but depending on the situation, if things are looking bad its sometimes best to go Warmogs early, this usually happens when your team doesn't have a good way of initiating and they need you to tank for them prematurely.

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