Why so Serious? A Jester Guide

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A serious guide for a not so serious champion!

1. Jester's Abilities
---a. Deceive
---b. Jack in the Box
---c. Two-Shiv Poison
---d. Hallucinate
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2. Building Blocks
---a. AP Build
---b. DPS Build
3. Talents and Rune Setups
---a. AP Jester Masteries
------a1. 9/0/21
------a2. 0/9/21
---b. DPS Jester Masteries
------a1. 21/0/9
------a2. 21/9/0
---c. AP Jester Runes
---d. DPS Jester Runes
4. Item Builds
---a. AP Jester Items
---b. DPS Jester Items
5. Notes and Tactics
---a. AP Jester
---b. DPS Jester

Shaco the Demon Jester
-Tricks of a Jester's Trade-

Mana cost: 80/70/60/50/40
Cooldown: 9 Seconds

Shaco instantly stealths for 5 seconds, and teleports to target nearby location. If he attacks while stealthed, the attack is guaranteed to crit for a bonus 50%/70%/90%/110%/130% damage.

Jack in the Box
Mana cost: 60
Cooldown: 16 Seconds

Shaco creates a Jack in the Box at target location. It will stealth after 2 seconds, and pop out when an enemy comes near, fearing nearby enemies for 0.5/.75/1/1.25/1.5 and attacking them.

Has 200/300/400/500/600 health, 35/60/80/100/120(+0) Damage, and lasts 90 seconds while stealthed or 5 seconds while firing.

Two-Shiv Poison
Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 13 Seconds

Passive: While two-shiv poison is ready to cast; shaco's attacks poison the target,
reducing their movement speed and chance to hit by 20%/22.5%/25%/27.5/30%, for 2 seconds.

Active: Deals half weapon damage + 40/80/120/160/200 (+0)
Damage to target enemy, and poisons them for 3 seconds.

Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 75/75/57 seconds.

Shaco creates an illusion of himself nearby, which deals 75% damage and receives 200%/165%/130%. On death the illusion deals 300/450/600 (+0) to nearby enemies.

Lasts up to 30 seconds.

Building Blocks
There are many ways to build your jester's skills, keep in mind that these are only two general builds for different purposes.

The AP Build
1) Jack in the Box
2) Deceive
3) Jack in the Box
4) Deceive
5) Jack in the Box
6) Hallucinate
7) Jack in the Box
8) Deceive
9) Jack in the Box ---- MAXED
10) Deceive
11) Hallucinate
12) Deceive ---- MAXED
13) Two-Shiv Poison
14) Two-Shiv Poison
15) Two-Shiv Poison
16) Hallucinate ---- MAXED
17) Two-Shiv Poison
18) Two-Shiv Poison ---- MAXED

The DPS Build
1) Two-Shiv Posion
2) Deceive
3) Deceive
4) Two-Shiv Poison
5) Deceive
6) Hallucinate
7) Deceive
8) Two-Shiv Poison
9) Deceive ---- MAXED
10) Two-Shiv Poison
11) Hallucinate
12) Two-Shiv Poison ---- MAXED
13) Jack in the Box
14) Jack in the Box
15) Jack in the Box
16) Hallucinate ---- MAXED
17) Jack in the Box
18) Jack in the Box ---- MAXED

__________________________________________________ _
Talent and Rune Setups

AP Jester Masteries


3/3 Archmage's Savvy
1/1 Cripple
4/4 Sorcery
1/1 Archaic Knowledge

3/3 Perseverence
3/3 Good Hands
4/4 Awareness
2/4 Expanded Mind
2/2 Utility Mastery
3/3 Quickness
3/3 Intelligence
1/1 Presence of the Master


3/3 Resistance
1/3 Hardiness
4/4 Evasion
1/1 Nimbleness

3/3 Perseverence
3/3 Good Hands
4/4 Awareness
2/4 Expanded Mind
2/2 Utility Mastery
3/3 Quickness
3/3 Intelligence
1/1 Presence of the Master
DPS Jester Masteries

3/3 Deadliness
1/1 Cripple
1/4 Sorcery
4/4 Aclarity
3/3 Sunder
2/2 Offensive Mastery
3/3 Brute Strength
3/3 Lethality
1/1 Havoc

3/3 Perseverence
2/3 Good Hands
4/4 Awareness


3/3 Deadliness
1/1 Cripple
1/4 Sorcery
4/4 Aclarity
3/3 Sunder
2/2 Offensive Mastery
3/3 Brute Strength
3/3 Lethality
1/1 Havoc

3/3 Resistance
1/3 Hardiness
4/4 Evasion
1/1 Nimbleness

AP Jester Runes
Cooldowns + AP

DPS Jester Runes
Crit damage/chance
Armor Pen + Crit Chance

Item Builds

AP Jester....
2x Health Pots
Meki Pendant -> Fiendish Codex
Boots -> Sorcerer's Boots
Sheen -> Lich Bane
Blasting Wand -> Mejai's Soulstealer
Blasting Wand -> Zhonya's Ring/Rylai's Scepter

DPS Jester

1x Health Pots/2x Health Pots
Vampiric Scepter/Meki Pendant -> BloodThirster/Chalice
Boots -> Ninja Tabi
Long Sword -> Brutalizer
Long Sword -> Last Whisper
B.F. Sword -> Infinity Edge

Notes and Tactics

Levels 1-5 (AP BUILD)
Early on you want to establish lane dominance while keeping up a passive harassment plan.
You have either choice of using Jack in the Boxes for creep kills to assist in pushing/cc/cash.
Or you can plant some along the outer edges of your lane for harassment/retreat areas. Use deceit
for quick get aways or harassment BEHIND your target, you want to make sure you get your full damage worth.

As a side note, try to be very conservative with your mana.

Levels 6-10 (AP BUILD)
This is about the time you can dominate in ganks. You can stray from your lane and grab their or your team's golem buff. This will enable you to spam your spells without worrying too much about mana. As jester, you want to plan ahead in ganks. Either block their escape route or make sure you have one. This means a Jack in the Box in either the direction you want to escape or the one you force them to use.

Levels 11-18 (AP BUILD)
Same story here except you're more buff and now have Two-Shiv Poison. When in team fights,
Be sure to drop your jack in the box first. You can approach team fights in various ways, either you run in use your illusion and stealth out or you can nuke them from afar and stealth into any lows or stragglers.


Levels 1-5 (DPS BUILD)

Harassment and mana conservation are key. Last hit creeps when possible but don't get yourself injured for them. Play aggressive with the point of staying defensive.

Levels 6-10 (DPS BUILD)
You can now roam around and gank, make sure to pick your targets and timing carefully. Choose any target that your laning team mates can assist you with. If theres a jungler you can hunt for him real quick if you choose to do so. When approaching a gank be sure to coordinate with your team mate and only pop out in stealth. Do not use too much mana in a gank unless you know you will kill them. Always best to play safe and conserve mana for your Deceive.

Levels 11-18 (DPS BUILD)
Again, same story as mid game, you should also now have Jack in the Box. These are key for controlling your team fights better, and delaying runners or blocking routes. Its also safe to use these for your escape routes should a gank go terribly wrong.

v1.0 (Will update with more information over time)

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