Evelynn the widowmaker - Advanced guide for Experts - by MrCygnus

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Table of Contents

Champion Information
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---[Strengths and Weaknesses]
---[Hero Stats]
Pre-Game setup
---[Summoner Spells]
Skill Build
Item Builds
---[General Setup]
---[Situational Changes]
---[Champion Matchups]
Early Game
Mid Game
Late Game (turning your weaknesses into strengths)
Mini Enemy Hero Guide


Welcome! First things first, who am i? Well to tell a little about myself i am Mr.Cygnus! I have a very strong background in high end competitive gaming, former Starcraft and and Warcraft 3 American top player. Currently still doing audio commentaries and guides for WCreplays.com. What brought me to League of Legends is the strong and vastly growing community of competitive gamers and the fact that his game is addictive and fun as hell!

Secondly... Why a guide on Evelynn? A hero considered to be the bottom of everyones tier list. Evelynn... the situational pub noob hero with no place in high end league matches right? WRONG!! I promise by the end of this guide you will see Evelynn in a whole new light. I have read every single guide posted in these forums and played every hero at length and spent the last few months with Evelynn as my main tweeking and theory crafting all strats and aspects this game has to offer to date.

In this guide i will not only to show you how to dominate with Evelynn, but go over many advanced tactics and ideas on how to improve your gameplay along the way.

Lastly, even though this guide is geared towards Expert players, i feel players of average or beginning skill levels can still enjoy it and pick up a tip or 2. Also this guide is not only for people who enjoy solo public que's but mainly for those who wish to utilize Evelynn to her full potential in high end 5 man league matches. So, enjoy! 


-----[Strengths and Weaknesses]

Now this is where we will break down Eve and show you why she is so misunderstood.

One of very few stealth heroes
One of the highest, if not the highest over all DPS hero in the game (more on this later)
Extreme ganker
Super fast move speed
2 natural escape skills making her hard to be ganked (more on this later)
Has a stun
One of the best debuffs in the game (- MR and -Armor in 1 shot + stun)
One of the best heroes at playing mindgames with, very feared if played right
One of the games strongest mid game heroes

To be played correctly, requires very high amount champion knowledge & map awareness
Very squishy, goes down hard when focused
melee hero
If not played correctly, late game group pushes with an oracle/ward make you worthless
If not played correctly, early game wards make your life a living hell.
If not played correctly, weakest early game hero
Hate Spike hits random nearby targets, making it harder to kill heroes near other targets.

As you can see Eve truly does have some serious weaknesses. But have faith, as in this guide i will show you how to turn Eve's biggest weaknesses into your teams greatest advantages turning eve into your teams unstoppable force.

-----[Hero Stats]


Stat..................|Level 1|...........|Per Level|

Magic Resist......|30|...................|1.25|
Crit Chance.......|3.43|.................|0.55|
Health Regen....|1.39|.................|0.11|
Mana Regen......|0.78|................|0.05|

Movespeed: 315
Range: 125


*Hate Spike* [Q]
Instantly spikes the closest enemy unit with malevolent energy dealing magic damage (+ability power) to the target and 50% damage to a secondary nearby target.

Rank..........|Damage(x)|........|Cooldown|....... |Mana Cost|

1)...............|25|......................|1s|... ...............|8|
2)...............|40|....................|1s|..... .............|12|
3)...............|55|....................|1s|..... .............|16|
4)...............|70|....................|1s|..... .............|20|
5)...............|85|....................|1s|..... .............|24|

Analysis: What most people often overlook is that this ability alone allows Eve to be the
highest sustained dps champion in the game! This is your bread and butter skill. This will allow you to last hit minions early in the game better than any other champion, farm minions at extreme speeds later in the game as well as finish off your targets.

Tip: Can be used to find Teemo's mushrooms : )

*Shadow Walk* [W]
Evelynn fades away, becoming stealthed. Evelynn's next attack or damage ability will stun that unit, ending her shadowwalk.

Rank..........|Stun|.......|Cooldown|.......|Mana Cost|.....[Stealth length]

1)..............|1s|..............|12s|........... ....|60|....................[20]
2)..............|1s|..............|12s|........... ....|60|....................[30]
3)..............|2s|..............|12s|........... ....|60|....................[40]
4)..............|2s|..............|12s|........... ....|60|....................[50]
5)..............|2x|..............|12s|........... ....|60|....................[60]

Analysis: Sexy Stealth, whats there not to like?

Tip: Just like using ghost, you can walk though minions and champions.
Also, Shadow walk + Recall or teleport = Stealh Recall!

Deals damage to target unit. If Ravage is used from behind, it will reduce target's armor and magic resistance for 5 seconds.

Rank.........|Damange|.....|Cooldown|......|Mana Cost|......[-MR, Armor]

1).............|80|.....................|9s|...... ..........|90|.................[10]
2).............|135|...................|9s|....... .........|105|................[14]
3).............|190|...................|9s|....... .........|120|................[18]
4).............|255|...................|9s|....... .........|135|................[22]
5).............|320|...................|9s|....... .........|150|................[26]

Analysis: This is your nuke. Amazing skill, try to have enough patients to make sure you position yourself behind your opponent. Biggest mistake most people have with Evelynn. Positioning could very well mean the difference between you or your opponent being dead. One lvl 5 Ravage from behind has the same armor penetration effects as a full set of red armor pen. ruins and 3 points in sunder. Pretty amazing if you ask me. Even more amazing is the Magic resistance!

*Malice And Spite* [R]
Evelynn takes pleasure when enemies are slain. Each time an enemy champion dies, any time within 3 minutes you may activate her ultimate in which Evelynn gains attack speed and movement speed for 20 seconds. If any champion dies after Evelynn has damaged them she is also healed for a portion of health.

Tip: Can be used while in stealth!

Rank........|Movespeed|........|Atackspeed|....... .|Mana Cost|...|Health Returned|


Analysis: Not only is this ultimate amazing for getting the drop on your opponent, or chasing down a weak hero, but it can also be used in a clinch to run away! It's just like having a free ghost summoner spell! Not only that, but if you kill your opponent you also gain a ton of health! Great for tower diving on a weak hero, or even going from 1 gank strait to the next.

Silent Killer[Passive]

Attacks from Minions deal 50% damage to Evelynn.


-----[Summoner Spells]

Ok. I am going to point out a couple different Summoner Spells and try and explain why both are essential and why you shouldn't need the others.

First off (Smite):
Ok i know what you are thinking "LOL NOOB WTF Smite Sux!!! Evelynn doesn't have problems farming!" That just makes me smile when i hear that

Reasons, please pay attention : )

#1. The only true time Evelynn as at a disadvantage to other champions in the game is at the very beginning. Doing poorly at this crucial point in the game can pretty much make or break you. She is melee, and weak. To eliminate any chances of this happening we pick Smite. Smite lets you pick off those enemy minions when your health is a little bit low so you don't get chased off champions.

#2. Nothing makes me more happy in my pants when i see a warwick/fiddle with smite on the enemy team during the loading screen. I go stealth first, head strait to the lizard/golem, wait for poor warwick to work that bad boy down to low health. Pop off smite, steal the buff, smash W, /t followed /all Thanks!, go to my lane and spam Q.

#3. Your job is to gank people, not be ganked while trying to gain the lizard or golem buff. Smite cuts your creeping time down by 1/2 which allows you to spend more time ganking or helping your team push a lane. These buffs give you a huge advantage and when the opportunity is there, go for it.

#4. Smite allows you to farm faster early game which in turn allows you to get the early items you need fast enough to kill people before they get theirs! Smite + hate spike last hitting allows you to farm at an amazing speeds early game.

#5 Slows down enemy minions pushes early and mid game.

#6 CAN BE USED TO CLEAR OUT A MINION WHILE IN STEALTH! The last thing you want is a minions soaking up all the damage of your hate spike that should be used to kill your target champion!

Secondly, (Ignite):

Yes the extra damage is very nice, even better when you get the bonus 10 AP while it's on cooldown! Great synergy which will be explained in the sections later on. I can't tell you how many times i was able to pull off first blood because of this skill, even vs extremely skilled teams.

Now we explain the other skills, and why they aren't used.

Exhaust: VERY VERY Tempting skill as a replacement. With a mastery point in Cripple this + Ravage has the ability to drop enemy hero's magic resistance into the negatives (as debuffs are applied before rune effects and other effects such as archaic knowledge which in turn CANNOT bring a hero's resistance below 0)

Ghost: You have your ultimate to chase down and run away with. This is overkill

Heal: If you play right, you should need this at all.

Teleport: Nice, but not worth it. See gameplay section for tips on how not to waste to much of your time.

Revive: Yeah.... you shouldn't be dieing... like ever.

Cleanse: You shouldn't be in a position in which you need this most the time wtih proper play and planning. Not only that but if you are being focused you are dead anyways.

Clarity: Worthless, for Evelynn that is.

Rally: Very nice! A tank or a support hero on your team better have this for sure.
Not you though.

Fortify: Same as really, tank or support. Usually should run 2 of these with your team.

Promote: Nice, but any team with skill and coordination can stop this and it's not worth getting this over Fortify. 

Clairvoyance: Also very nice, good for have 1 person run this for your team. But as for you, all your experience in your games should give you the common knowledge where most missing heros are probably at and combined with the map awareness you have developed over time this just isn't needed. You are a walking Clairvoyance, aim yourself where you think enemy champions may be. See gameplay section.


Alright, currently, I find two rune sets most effective.

Near Full Force: This is the rune page I use every time, All Force runes (AP per lvl) for everything accept red Marks. Reasoning for this is AP helps out with last hitting, is a bulk of your damage, and the synergy with your early lichbane is amazing. 

Tip: I have spent countless hours running, testing, and theory crafting Force vs Insight runes. I have found that Insight runes work slightly better at lower to mid levels when people don't stock up on magic resistance gear. Over all, after hundreds of games of testing i have found that the AP combined with my build style is infinitely better for EVE! This rune combination is hands down the best with her. I have crunched the numbers and tried countless item builds, rune setups and mastery setups. 

"Debuff" effects are calculated first, such as exhaust, abyssal scepter, Ravage, Soraka debuff, mumu passive etc. These values CAN take a champion below 0 Magic resist, increasing their damage taken even more. Next effects are calculated such as masteries and runes. These values can not bring the enemy magic resist below 0. Because of this, naturally flat penetration is better at lower values, but the percentage scaling of Archaic Knowledge and the extra AP overtake it. Not only that, but combine the extra AP with your early litchbane and the choice becomes clear.

Lastly for Marks: Use full Armor Penetration runes. Crit Chance and Damage are better left for heroes that stack those stats as part of their item build. Armor Penetration is far more effective.


Again, this was another point of contention but i have come to the conclusion that a 21/9/0 build to be by far the best. HAHA! i can already tell some of you are cringing at this and yet again... i will explain.

My old setup was 10/0/19. Archaic knowledge with burning embers up the offense tree and utility all the way to 3 in intelligence and 2 in utility mastery. I did very well with this setup! I used to get the golem and lizard buff and smash people all day with it! So why does it fail? Well... glad you asked!

#1 Utility mastery is tempting but i found that after many many games i was more involved with keeping my lizard and golem buffs active, that i was missing countless opportunities to gank heroes and do my job!

#2 Evelynn with her natural high move speed and her ultimate doesn't need the 3% move boost found in the utility tree that 99% of all other heros can use.

#3 Presence of the master, the extra mana regen, cooldown reduction, and mana are not needed as they are taken care of though the item setup i will explain later on.

(21) Offense

(1) Plentiful Bounty
(3) Archmage's Savvy
(4) Sorcery
(1) Archaic Knowledge
(1) Burning Embers
(3) Sunder
(3) Brute Force
(3) Lethality
(1) Deadliness
(1) Havoc

(9) Defense

(3) Resistance
(3) Hardiness
(3) Strength of Spirit

Reason: The offense tree is self explanitory. As for the Defense tree, the extra armor and magic resistance will help you early game when you need it the most as your item setup leaves little to be desired for survivability. Remember, i am giving you the recommended stup assuming you are playing vs experts. Evelynn enters the game at lvl 1 with a bullseye on her ass, later on she removes it and puts it on their ass.


My skill build is something that I have tweaked, twisted, taken apart, and put back together again countless times. However, this is the build that I have come to love. The build focuses Hate Spike because it is an extremely underrated skill. It's very low mana cost, extremely spammable, and does sizeable amounts damage in battle.

1) Hate Spike
2) Shadow Walk
3) Hate Spike
4) Ravage
5) Hate Spike
6) Malice and Spite
7) Hate Spike
8) Ravage
9) Hate Spike
10) Ravage
11) Malice and Spite
12) Ravage
13) Ravage
14) Shadow Walk
15) Shadow Walk
16) Malice and Spite
17) Shadow Walk
18) Shadow Walk

Reasoning: This build will be much explained in the gameplay section. Bascially 1 point in shadow walk is all that's needed because it is situational, and when you need to use it you should be attacking within that timeframe anyways or you are just wasting time. Ravage is the secondary skill, as it is nice to nuke/debuff a hero but you need to be able to finish them off!


-----[General Setup]

This build is my favorite by far. With proper gameplay these items are not to difficult to obtain. The synergy of these items on Eve are perfect. Depending on how the game plays out some of the later item orders should be adjusted.

Starting item: Regrowth Pendant 

(see gameplay section for more explanation on all these items and why they work)

1 Philosopher's stone (from Regrowth Pentant)
2 Sorcerer's Shoes
3 Mejai's Soulstealer
4 Sheen
4 Lich Bane (from Sheen)
5 Fiendish Codex or Stinger (whichever you can pick up first but Codex would be best)
5 **sell Philosopher's stone** Nashor's Tooth (from Fiendish codex)
6 Rylai's Sceptre
7 Zhonya's Ring

BONUS: if you have the opportunity at any point mid to late game to buy an Elixir of Brilliance... DO SO! This item will pay for itself over and over again as you utilize your huge advantage over them and dominate.

Ok. Now items 1-4 must be obtained in that order, no matter what. As for items 5-7, depending on how your game is going, they should be obtained in that order as well. If you find that heros are nuking you really hard, well than i can see going Rylai's sceptre before Nashor's and Zhonya's for the health and excapability it offers.

Soul Stealer: Not only is this item the cheapest 140 AP available which works amazing with Lich Bane, it's the added effect that truely works wonders with Evelynn. This item plus her ultimate upon a hero death returns health, soul stealer upon the same effect returns mana. This item plus her ultimate allows you to stay in the field longer after ganking minimizing your fountain trips thus drastically reducing your downtime. This item was made for Evelynn, all day ganks baby!

Why Nashor's tooth you ask? the mana regen is ok, not really needed too much at this point in the game but a nice replacement for your philosopher's stone. The atack speed upgrade and the 55 ap are very nice but still not the main reason! It's the -25% cooldown reduction! Yes that's right! That plus the 3% from mastery points gives you 28% cooldown reduction which literally doubles your damage output though hate spike. Hate spike starts out with a 1s cooldown. With this item, plus mastery you can get it down to about the .6s range. Most people who don't know any better wonder why all the effort to make a 1s spell into a .6s spell. LOL!! I actually have gotten this question so many times and the answer is right infront of your face! Nearly TWICE the damage output!! Nashor's tooth is a permanent golem buff. If you happen to also snag that while in the game you can max out at 40% cooldown reduction (which also helps you get off another ravage in battle or acces steath faster) putting your hatespike down to .48s.
Double damage baby, you will smash people so hard and so fast.

Rylai's Sceptre. Hate spike targets 2 people so not only do you slow your main target, but in group battles you can prevent 2 heros from running away at the same time allowing for your team to catch up and destroy those excaping heros! On top of that, for some reason should you need to run yourself you can spam hatespike and prevent any hero from catching you! Also toss a nice HP chunk onto that cake and lets call it a day.

Zhonya's Ring. If the game for some reason goes this long. This item will make you a walking god. I don't want to think about this too much because i am tempted to stop writing this guide right now and go fire up a game myself!

Bascially in a nutshell all these items, plus your rune setup, plus the passive on your ignite, power up your Lich Bane to insane levels of ownage. You will hit like a truck from out of nowhere, and nobody can excape from you. You will become a nightmare to your enemies. Nothing like running along in the lane at full health 1 moment and 2 seconds later you are at 30% health, stunned, and you can't run away. I have literally picked off a hero in 5 man ganksquads before they could even turn around to stop me many times over.

-----[What not to do]

Alright, so if you haven't already noticed, there are a few items that people assume are practically made for Evelynn, don't be fooled:

Doran's Ring: Although a very nice starting item, it becomes obsolete soon as you pickup your philosophers stone. Philosophers stone in itself is all the health and mana regen you will need till your Nasher's. Picking up this item is a very short lived advantage that only slows down your much needed progess for your rushed soul stealer.

Rylai's Scepter: I used to run this item with my insight build. The magic resist is nice and so is the AP boost and the cost isnt so bad either. Problem is that it slows down your lichbane and defeats the whole point of your build. The debuff is great! but there are much better items to aim towards. Sadly this item is a pass.

Guinsoo's Rageblade: Tempting, but you aren't going to be able to utilize this item as well as other dps heros.

Kage's Lucky Pick: Good joke. Play pub games much are we?

Trinity Force: No.
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