Kennen - the Heart of the Tempest

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There exists an ancient order originating in the Ionian Isles dedicated to the preservation of balance. Order, chaos, light, darkness -- all things must exist in perfect harmony for such is the way of the universe. This order is known as the Kinkou and it employs a triumvirate of shadow warriors to uphold its causes in the world. Kennen is one of these shadow warriors, entrusted with the sacred duty of Coursing the Sun - tirelessly conveying the justice of the Kinkou.
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Kennen was born in Bandle City and it was said that in his first living moments he bolted first from the womb and second from the midwife who delivered him. His parents had thought that he would outgrow his boundless energy, but as he matured his energy found no limits and was matched only by his unnerving speed. Despite his astonishing gifts, he remained unnoticed (or at least uncaught, as he was quite the prankster) until, on a dare, he ran straight up the great outer wall of the Placidium. When word of this feat reached Kinkou ears, Kennen was quickly and quietly brought in for an audience. He found that the role of the Heart of the Tempest suited him, frenetically delivering both the word and the punishments of the Kinkou across the realm. He now works with his fellows Akali and Shen to enforce the balance of Valoran. This hallowed pursuit has unsurprisingly led the triumvirate to the Fields of Justice.

The Heart of the Tempest beats eternal... and those beaten remember eternally.


X Health 403 (+79 / per level)
X Mana 200 (+0 / per level)
X Move Speed 310
X Armor 14 (+3.75 / per level)
X Spell Block 30 (+0 / per level)
X Critical Strike 3.15 (+0.5 / per level)
X Health Regen 0.93 (+0.13 / per level)
X Mana Regen 10 (+0 / per level)


Mark of the Storm
This unit will get severely crippled if it reaches 3 stacks of Mark of the Storm.

Thundering Shuriken
Kennen throws a fast moving shuriken towards a location, causing damage and adding a Mark of the Storm to any opponent that it hits.

Electrical Surge
Kennen passively deals extra damage and adds a Mark of the Storm to his target every few attacks, and he can activate this ability to damage and add another Mark of the Storm to targets who are already marked.

Lightning Rush
Kennen morphs into a lightning form, enabling him to pass through units. Any enemy unit he runs through takes damage and gets a Mark of the Storm.

Slicing Maelstrom
Kennen summons a storm that strikes at random nearby enemy champions for magical damage.


  • Kennen is one of the ninja trio Riot is placing in League of Legends. The other ninjas are Shen and Akali. However, it does not necessarily make sense that they sometimes fight one another on the battlefield, we can assume that they do so to maintain the balance, a goal they sought to accomplish.
  • Kennen is the 8th yordle champion within the League of Legends that has been revealed by Riot. God damn yordles... Where are the damn shark knights?
  • Kennen is the 2nd champion that uses energy in the place of mana. Shen is currently the only other hero that shares this trait. Akali will be the 3rd if announced.


Playing As:

*You can stun your opponents by inflicting 3 Marks of the Storm upon them.
*Lightning Rush can be used to initiate fights with its energy return component, allowing him to use other abilities afterward.
*You can land an initial Mark of the Storm debuff on an opponent with Thundering Shuriken, and then add to it with Electrical Surge.

Playing Against:

Coming Soon

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