Evelynn Guide - by Dreamenddischarger

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Evelynn is one of the two current stealth assassin champions in League of Legends. Evelynn is a melee ap based carry that needs a good supporting lineup in order to shine. Late game her Ravage can and wil hit for well over 1000 damage, and her hate spikes will deal more than 350 dps alone. 

However, to be able to use her effectively, you need to be able to judge whether or not attacking a hero is feasible. Evelynn is a difficult hero to play effectively, and must be approached with caution. That said, let's move on to the mastery build. 
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The best mastery build for Evelynn is a 21/0/9 build.
3/3 Deadliness, 3/3 Archmage's Savvy. 
4/4 Sorcery
1/1 Archaic Knowledge, 3/3 Sunder.
3/3 Brute Force
3/3 Lethality
1/1 Havoc
1/3 Good Hands, 3/3 Perseverance
4/4 Awareness
1/1 Greed

Rune for Force only, or Force and Avarice. 

Get Flash and Teleport as your summoner spells.
Flash will get you out of a jam allowing you to restealth, and teleport allows you to keep farming without having any downtime.

Ability Build:

Shadow Walk
Pain Spike
Shadow Walk
Malice And Spite
Shadow Walk
Malice And Spite
Pain Spike
Pain Spike
Pain Spike
Pain Spike
Malice And Spite
Shadow Walk
Shadow Walk

Being a carry, your role is not to excel in early game encounters, nor is it your job to run around ganking before you have all 4 of your Lucky Kages Picks. You will take advantage of the 5 gold per 10 second items. You will in the end get your items more quickly and consistently have more ability power than anyone on both teams, except maybe a Veigar.

Item Build:

Starting items:
Amplifying Tome
Health Potion

Amplifying Tome -> Kage's Lucky Pick
Kage's Lucky Pick
Boots of Speed
Kage's Lucky Pick
Kage's Lucky Pick
Boots of Speed -> Sorcerer's Shoes
Sheen -> Lichbane
[From here on, the item order is up to you, however this is the order I recommend]
Mejai's Soul Stealer
Zhonya's Ring
Archangel's Staff
Rylai's Scepter

Abyssal Scepter is optional, however I feel like it gives too small of a bonus for its cost, leave it to a support. A Rod of Ages sounds nice in theory, but it is subpar for Evelynn until it near maxes out its bonuses. 

Early Game:

Start off farming your lane using pain spike to aid you. Once you get enough gold for your first pick, or if you did really well and were able to get an early kill, blue pill and get your first two picks and teleport back in. Your goal is to consistently farm up gold, so you can perform better lategame. If you are being harassed too much or pushed hard, stay near your tower and auto attack creeps, otherwise: last hit farm using pain spike as an aid. Don't spam it, otherwise you'll end up pushing to their tower. 

Mid Game: Once you get your Sorcerer's Shoes and Picks you are able to gank effectively. Open with your stealth/stun on single heroes or let others open if you are dealing with more than one hero. pain spike them down low, and try to last hit the hero with Ravage. It takes a little practice, but its a surefire way to rack up kills. Continue to farm the lanes and jungle creeps as you see fit.

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Late Game:

Let your tank and support initiate team battles. Focus the greatest threat target first, usually someone like Morgana, Twitch, Ashe, or Sivir. Do your best to avoid aoe spells like Gankplanks barrage, Amumu's stun, Nunu's ultimate, and the like. At this point you should be able to two shot the squishier heroes. 

Champions to be wary of:

Morgana: Spell Shield, a nearly 5 second immobilizer, a 2 second stun on her ult, and aoe damage ont he ground. She is nasty.

Jax: If he went the Hp/Dodge route, you're going to have a tough time killing him without 500+ ability power.

Blitzcrank: Stun/Silence dead.

I hope you found this guide useful, I'll make some edits and elaborate a bit here and there if need be. Feel free to comment.

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